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Mendip Ring +

Mendip Ring Circular. Batcombe, Snakelake Hill, Upton Noble. 10 Miles

This walk starts opposite Batcombe Church. Grid Ref. ST 690389 You start with a sharp downhill followed by a stiff uphill lane to reach Seat Hill with its fantastic views of the Somerset countryside proving that this lovely county is not as flat as we are led to believe. We then work our way round to Upton Noble before dropping back down to Batcombe to then follow the River Alham into Batcombe Bottom, through Batcombe Vale then climb up to Snakelake Hill, before making our way through Whaddon Wood and Henley Grove Farm to Copplesbury lane, we then start dropping back down to Batcombe again.

With your back to the church take the path through the k/gate and with care drop down the hill to reach the road at the bottom, turn right then take the first turning left (Seat Lane) follow the lane pass Saite Farm then take the first path through a farm gate on the right to reach the top of Seat Hill and on to reach the A359. Cross into Hassock's Lane, follow this downhill and bear left at the junction continuing down the lane to reach Float Bridge, here you take the narrow lane to the left following this to reach a stile in the hedge on your right (this is easy to miss) cross two stiles, head slightly left across the field to a bridge once across, follow the hedge on your left aiming for the far left hand corner of this field to cross two more stiles, heading slightly left aiming for the gate at the top corner of the field pass through this now follow the field edge on your left to reach Strap Lane.

On reaching the lane continue straight ahead following the lane round to the left pass the junction on your right, on reaching Bellerica Farm where the lane bends left, take the path on your right over two stiles then follow the field edge up to cross a stile at the top, now aim across the field to go through the farm gate, when you reach the fence at the top turn left through the small gate into an enclosed path to reach a lane, turn right to reach the village of Upton Noble. On reaching the crossroads at the top, turn left then take the first path on the right head up the field through a k/gate then half right through a farm gate at the top our path now crosses to the farm gate in the hedge straight ahead of you. But turn left here and follow the hedge on your left to reach a gate onto a track, turn left, then right through the k/gate then diagonally left to a k/gate in the bottom hedge leading you onto the A359. Cross the road and cross the stile a little to your left follow the path down to the bottom of the hill to cross a small bridge, once over this bear right uphill aiming for the farm at the top.

Follow the path through the farm and out to the lane, turn left following the lane to soon take the first path on the left, this takes you behind the house over a stile in the hedge and down to the bottom corner of the field back onto the lane. We now have a couple of miles road walking. Turn left then right at the junction to follow the lane back into Batcombe, as you come into the village turn right at the T junction and follow Back Lane round behind the church ( if you wish to finish the walk here, that's fine just cut down the side of the church to reach your car, but remember you will miss a fantastic views later on in the walk) go pass Cockpit Lane on your right and at the next junction turn left down the road and on reaching the bend to the left take the footpath through a tunnel on the side of Home Cottage through the k/gate at the bottom, then follow the path slightly left down the hill to cross a stile at the bottom and on to reach the road. Cross the road over the stile opposite and follow the left hand of the two paths to reach and follow the River Alham cross the bridge following the river to the right over another bridge into a field as you come to the end of this field look for a pair of bristol gates on your left which you go through. (Bristol Gates are a small gate within a farm gate) aim for the field boundary on your right and follow this round to reach a stile next to a gateway then onto reach another stile leading you onto the drive at Batcombe Vale Caravan Park.

Follow the drive to the top of the hill, at the top bear right and follow the road pass Hedgestocks, straight over the cross roads to reach Snakelake Hill, Soon you start dropping downhill and on reaching the footpath on the left near the bottom of the hill, take this through Whaddon Wood and on to reach Henley Grove Farm. Follow the path through the farmyard to turn left up the drive passing the cottages and out to Copplesbury Lane, turn right, then left cross the field to reach the junction at the top of Crow's Hill. Take the left hand fork and as you start to drop downhill take the first foot path on the right into the field, follow the hedge line on your right then were it bends round to the right drop down the hill to go through a farm gate next to a large tree. Now aim for the church, at the bottom of the hill you will find a track enter this and follow it over a stile ignore the path off to the left and follow it pass the cottage on your left then follow the lane round to the right to reach the road at the top, turn right to reach the church and the end of the walk.